Friday, November 20, 2015

West Tablets

West Elementary
EK - 2nd Samsung Galaxy Tab4

As part of the Ballard Community School District’s 1:1 initiative plan, we deployed two Samsung Galaxy Tab4s throughout different classrooms in October for a total of forty-six (46) devices.  Each Samsung Galaxy Tab4 currently has an app directly related to the  Ballard reading curriculum Reading Wonders along with other curriculum-based apps.  The teachers attended a rollout session which included the basics of using the device, the location of available apps and how to download apps from the Google Play for Education site.


A few comments from the students:

Alex, 1S, "I like listening to books."

​Zane and Brooklyn, EKA, both like practicing their letters.

Taylor, 2B, likes listening to books online.

- Jennifer Johnson, Principal
- Dave McGill, Director of Technology
- Jody Kelley, Technology Integrationist
- Eric Peterson, Technology Support Specialist

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