Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Holiday Break

Chromebook care over the holiday break.

Since going 1:1 in the middle school, this will be the very first holiday break with Chromebooks.  We would like to remind parents/guardians and students that even over break you and your child must take care of the Chromebook and properly handle the device. The school will not be staffed over the holiday breaks to tend to any damaged devices. Be patient if Chromebooks are sent for repair. Ballard has no control on the turn-around time for Chromebooks that are shipped for repair and/or warranty issues. Mr. McGill, Mr. Peterson and the technology staff have done an outstanding job in providing technical support for all of our Chromebook needs. Kudos to the team!

  • Remind your child that the Chromebook is for school use and does not need to travel with them during the holiday break.
  • It is a learning tool. Students may use it for other purposes outside of school with your permission - example: playing games, listening to music - as long as they abide by school and home rules.
  • Remind your child to recharge their Chromebook overnight the night before returning to school after the holiday break to ensure that it is ready for the school day.
  • Avoid extreme temperatures
  • Internet access will be filtered on and off the school site.  
  • The school’s Chromebook Acceptable Use Policy will continue to be enforced.
  • Supervise use at home by ensuring Chromebooks are used in family areas rather than bedrooms.

  • Consider setting screen time limits to avoid overuse.
  • Encourage your child to take breaks from using the Chromebook.
  • Remind your child not to have the volume too loud, especially if using headphones or earbuds.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families.

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