Monday, October 7, 2019

Ballard Technology Teams

The Ballard Community Schools strives to create a technology-rich environment for our K-12 learning community.  The district's commitment to technology is strongly aligned to our desire to provide the best teaching and learning environment for our students, teachers, and staff.  We collaboratively work with others to ensure we are providing staff, teachers and students with the best learning environment possible.

This school year Ballard has three active technology teams (volunteer teachers), two Technology Leaders (TLC) and one Technology Integrationist.  Each team has the same foundation, but how they fulfill their purpose is quite unique based on the building and student age group for their specific building.  The main purpose of each team is the following:
  • Assisting teachers with integrating technology into their curriculum.
  • Supporting teaching and learning through the use of technology.
  • Leading the way for the purposeful integration of technology in the classroom.
  • Learning about and supporting staff with resources and tools for the transformation of technology integration.
  • Planning and providing PD opportunities at district and building levels.
  • Reviewing and piloting potential building purchases of instructional technology-related products, services, and devices.
Each team is also driven by the needs of the classroom teachers and the building principal.

If you see any of the following teachers please be sure to thank them for volunteering their time. They are making Ballard the best we can be by going above and beyond for our students, staff and community.

Ballard West 

Kylie Schipper - K
Kim Mikkelsen - 2nd & Technology Lead
Jake Skurdal - Special Ed

Ballard East 

*Zach Zeiss - 3rd Grade 
Kelsey Hinders - 3rd Grade 
*Jessica Demry - 4th Grade
**Melissa Lee - 4th Grade 
Taylor Hauser - 5th Grade
Ashley Freese - 5th Grade
*Heather Vander Wilt - Specials 
Deb Malone - Librarian Assistant

Ballard MS 

(Building is currently under construction this year and 8th grade is located at the high school.)

Ballard HS 

Catherine Mein – Social Studies 
*Lisa Ronca – Speech/Technology 
Nathan Smith - Math
*Jen Dovre - District Media Specialist & Technology Lead

* - Will be attended the ITEC (Iowa Technology & Education Connection) conference in Des Moines on Tuesday, October 15th.
** - Co-presented at the ITEC (Iowa Technology & Education Connection) conference in Des Moines on Tuesday, October 15th.

Twitter: @BCSDTechEDU
(Tweets are related to technology enhancing the Ballard classrooms.)


West - #bcsdwest

East - #bcsdeast

Middle School - #bcsdms

High School - #bcsdhs

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