Monday, May 13, 2019

HS Digital Citizenship: Year Two

Annually, since 2015, students, parents, and teachers representing our HS, MS and East buildings have completed a survey, designed by Clarity BrightBytes, regarding technology access, use, and knowledge. Our High School Technology Team (Catherine Mein, Nathan Smith, Lisa Ronca, Nick Steenhagen, Jen Dovre, Jody Kelley, and John Ronca) meets several times at the beginning of the school year to analyze the data and discuss areas for improvement.  Digital citizenship was identified as one of these areas.

The high school chose to spend time on digital citizenship the last two school years (2017-2019) because data collection from the prior years had shown there was a need.  This year's data reflected the time and effort of the technology team, high school teachers, the building Technology Leader (Jen Dovre), and administration who have been dedicated to this building-wide initiative. Please see the data below:

As you view the image above, you will see the red rectangle highlights the Digital Citizenship category.  The level of proficiency is reflected according to a specific color: Grey - Beginning, Pink - Emerging, Yellow/Gold - Proficient, Green - Advanced and Blue - Exemplary.

For the second year (2018-2019) in a row, the high school building facilitated Digital Citizenship lessons for all students in grades 9-12.  Approximately every month, advisory teachers lead a discussion related to a digital citizenship topic.  With it being our second year, the high school technology team, teachers, and administration felt it was important for the incoming freshmen to receive the same lessons that were presented to the high school students last year, while at the same time providing the 10th-12th grade with new lessons.  The new lessons often included a new topic.  If the students had a lesson on a similar topic the previous year, we designed the lesson with either a different perspective and/or a deeper level of critical thinking.

These conversations encourage students to continue their discussion outside of the classroom. For example, after the Cyberbullying lesson last year, student council designed and implemented a building-wide Bullying Report Form for the high school students.

Below, you will find links to this year's lessons.

Click HERE for the lesson links after reading the *Note.

*Note: Due to the fact that these lessons were specifically designed for our Ballard students, in order for a parent/guardian to view these lessons, please have your Ballard student log into his/her Ballard account on a Chrome browser before selecting the link or entering the URL in a Chrome browser Omnibox (address bar).

After viewing this year's Clarity BrightBytes data, the high school teachers have selected to concentrate on the teacher category of the 4Cs and the subcategory of communication.  They also shared that they would like to continue the Digital Citizenship Lessons in the future.  How this will all take place or what it will look like is going to be determined by the high school teachers, tech team, and administration.  The digital citizenship planning process will begin June 2019 and the 4Cs: Communication planning process will begin next school year (2019-2020).

Previous HS Digital Citizenship Blogs:

11/30/17 - Digital Citizenship at the High School:

5/18/18 - Digital Citizenship at the High School Continued

Twitter: @BCSDTechEDU
(Tweets are related to technology enhancing the Ballard classrooms.)


West - #bcsdwest

East - #bcsdeast

Middle School - #bcsdms

High School - #bcsdhs

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