Friday, May 18, 2018

Digital Citizenship at the High School Continued

Digital Citizenship at the High School Continued

Since the Dec-Jan 17-18 Dimension, when we shared the “what” and the “why” about the implementation of digital citizenship lessons at the high school, teachers have presented a total of six digital citizenship lessons related to online safety. We have received positive feedback from students, staff, and parents, and we look forward to building on this foundation. As this school year is coming to a close, we want to share the resources presented to students and staff.  Below are the lesson presentation titles and links to view the lessons.

Note: Due to the fact that these lessons were specifically designed for our Ballard students, in order for a parent/guardian to view these lessons, please have your Ballard student log into his/her Ballard account on a Chrome browsers before selecting the link or entering the URL in a Chrome browser Omnibox (address bar).

Moving Forward
The HS Technology Team will analyze and discuss the Clarity BrightBytes data in May to assist with guiding high school teachers for the 2018 - 2019 school year. This data will be presented to high school teachers and will be followed by discussions regarding a direction they would like to go for the 2018 - 2019 school year.  We all are looking forward to determining a focus to directly impact our high school students.

Thank you
At this time we would like to thank the following people. These lessons would not be a success without them.  

Ballard HS Teachers for presenting these lessons, providing a safe environment for discussions and providing insight to help guide the development of lesson topics and design.

Ballard Student Council for creating a Google Form to assist students with reporting bullying incidents.

Chief Pote for all his helpful insight in regards to lesson topics for our students

Assistant Story County Attorney/Lead Criminal Prosecutor, Ms. Meredith, for all her insight in regards to the legality issues and sharing her resources.

Ballard HS Technology Team members (Ms. Mein, Mrs. Endres, Mrs. Ronca, Mr. Steenhagen, and Mr. Smith) for volunteering all their time (a true testament that you deeply care for our Ballard students, staff, and community) to analyze and discuss data, communicate and collaborate with high school teachers, and to see the importance of our students learning how to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world.

Ballard Administration (Mr. Ronca, Mr. Deason, Mr. McGill and Mr. Maxey) for their indefinite support.

Ballard Students for discussing these topics with their advisor, classmates, and parents, taking the time to complete surveys that provided a student voice to help guide the development of lesson topics and design.

Ballard Parents/Guardians for reading your emails from the school and discussing these topics at home with your child/ren.

Proud to be a Bomber!