Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Welcome To Our New Technology Leaders

 This school year has brought many changes and our technology teams are no exception. We would like to welcome our new Technology Leaders Amber Tvrdik, Taylor Tuerler, and Melissa Lee.

Middle School

Amber Tvrdik (7th Literature) will be leading the middle school technology team. This volunteer team consists of the following classroom teachers: Whitney Hulse, Jenna Levendusky, and Jessica Erickson.

Amber Tvrdik

East Elementary

At East, we would like to welcome our Co-Technology Leaders Taylor Tuerler (5th Grade) and Melissa Lee (4th Grade) who are leading the volunteer team at East. This team consists of Kelsey Hinders, Shayna Ford, Zach Zeiss, and Heather Vander Wilt.

Taylor Tuerler                                                                  Melissa Lee

Hight School 

At the high school, Jen Dovre (K-12 Teacher Librarian) will be starting her 5th year as their Technology Leader. The high school volunteer team consists of Catherine Mein, Lisa Ronca, Nathan Smith, and Lexi Flaherty.

Jen Dovre

West Elementary

At West, we currently do not have a Technology Leader, Jody Kelley (District Technology Integrationist) will be facilitating the West Technology Team. This volunteer team consists of Jake Skurdal, Kylie Schipper, and Kim Mikkelsen.

Jody Kelley

The main purpose of each team is the following:

  • Assisting teachers with integrating technology into their curriculum.

  • Supporting teaching and learning through the use of technology.

  • Leading the way for the purposeful integration of technology in the classroom.

  • Learning about and supporting staff with resources and tools for the transformation

of technology integration.
  • Planning and providing PD opportunities at district and building levels.

  • Reviewing and piloting potential building purchases of instructional technology-

related products, services, and devices.

Each team is also driven by the needs of the classroom teachers and the building principal.

Twitter: @BCSDTechEDU West - #bcsdwest East - #bcsdeast
Middle School - #bcsdmsHigh‌ ‌School‌ ‌-‌ ‌‌#‌bcsdhs‌ 
(Tweets‌ ‌are‌ ‌related‌ ‌to‌ ‌technology‌ ‌enhancing‌ ‌Ballard‌ ‌classrooms.)‌