Monday, April 29, 2019

ITEC Technology Fair

ITEC Technology Fair

 On April 25th, five 8th grade students Lara Jones, Emily Rochleau, Gracie Ross, Ava Gibson, Kathryn Wilken, and Mr. Thein, attended the ITEC Technology Fair held at ISU in Ames. This fair provides PK-12 students the opportunity to showcase their technology skills and projects.  Based on rubric scores, students are awarded ribbons for their quality of the project and presentation to judges. Exemplary entries are invited to present their projects a the ITEC Fall Conference in Des Moines. There are three levels of ribbons at the ITEC Fair, Purple (Exemplary), Blue (Awesome! Or Thumbs Up) and Red (Getting There).

The two Ballard middle school groups presented their projects entitled Animation Commercial and Animation Storytelling. Both groups were very excited to receive a blue ribbon for their hard work. This was the first time Ballard Middle School students attended the ITEC Fair and hope to have more entries in the future.