Tuesday, November 6, 2018

National Bullying Prevention Month

One of the many causes recognized in the month of October was National Bullying Prevention. Our Ballard Technolgy Teams acknowledged this cause by wearing orange on Wednesday, October 24th (Unity Day) to show our support for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. In addition, all high school students were given orange bracelets to wear that said, "Stand Together: 2018."

Each building technology team has been addressing Digital Citizenship, which encompasses Cyberbullying (bullying with a digital device).  At our high school building, our advisory teachers have presented several Digital Citizenship lessons including two on Cyberbullying last school year. (If you missed the Dimension articles, feel free to check them out here: 1st: bit.ly/2s2d2Rw 2nd: bit.ly/2s20aen.)

After these lessons were presented last year, the high school student council took it upon themselves to create a digital Bullying/Harassment form to support student communication of incidents.  Mr. Ronca will share this form with our Ballard High School students in the near future.

The Middle School Technology Team began discussions with the staff in their building last year as well.  This school year the East Tech Team members have begun the discussion within their technology team.

Ballard technology team members pictured: Jake Skurdal, Anna DeHamer, Emma Jordison, Catherine Mein, Nick Steenhagen, Ashley Freese, Lisa Ronca, John Ronca, Jody Kelley, Kylie Schipper, Kim Mikkelsen and Ashley Hokel. Members not pictured Nathan Smith, Travis Thein, MacKenzie Keleher, Melsisa Lee, and Taylor Hauser.