Friday, February 26, 2016

Middle School Parent Technology Nights

Middle School Parent Technology Nights

This school year has been super exciting as we started off in September going 1:1 in the middle school.  Some of you may ask, what does 1:1 mean?  This phrase is being used more and more as schools are purchasing devices for students to use to assist their learning.  The actual 1:1 is a ratio of students per devices.  The Ballard School District has provided a Dell Chromebook device for each middle school student to use while enrolled in the district as either full-time or dual enrolled. 

At the beginning of the school year Jen Dovre, Ballard's District Media Specialist, and I decided that we wanted to provide an opportunity for parents to learn as well.  We wanted these once a month informal meetings to be helpful and to let the parents know we appreciate their support.  

Our first session was to help build a positive school-to-home relationship.  We designed the night for the participants to walk away understanding the resources available to them through the Ballard website and how to find them.  We also touched on digital behavior and how parents can support their child without being tech savvy.

Other topics covered were Google Basics (Google email and Google calendar), Google Intermediate (Google Drive - Doc, Sheets, and Slides), and Google Classroom from the teacher and student perspective.  All of these topics above were chosen from the results of a (Google Form) survey that was sent out via Infinite Campus messenger.

Jen and I would like to thank all the parents and students who took the time, out of their busy schedules, to attend one or more of our Middle School Parent Technology Nights (MS PTN).   We also want to thank the parents who have read our emails and messages this school year. Your support and kind words have been much appreciated. 

The decision to continue or end future MS PTN weighed heavy on our thoughts. After a long discussion, we have decided to end the MS PTN for the rest of this school year.  Since the high school will be going 1:1 with Chromebooks at the beginning of the school year 2016-2017, we would like to start a joint Parent Technology Night with both the middle school and high school parents next school year. Please feel free to complete our survey ( ) to help guide our beginning topics next school year. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, Mr. Maher, Mr. McGill, Jen or myself.

Thanks again for all your support,

Jody Kelley
District Technology Integrationist

Jen Dovre
District Media Specialist